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Wine from California ,   USA  Wine from California


Red WineYearNorwaySwedenDenmarkTastedDice
Sangiovese ( Grove Street Winery ) 2007 89 2009--50
1924 Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2017200  2020--40
1924 Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2018195  2020--
1924 Bourbon Barrel Cabernet Sauvignon ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2021230  2024--
1924 Double Black ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2014180  2016--
1924 Double Black ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2016190  2018--
1924 Double Black ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2018190  2020--
1924 Double Black ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2020230  2024--
206 Zinfandel ( The Fableist Wine Company ) 2017299  2020--60
206 Zinfandel ( The Fableist Wine Company ) 2018295  2020--
337 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Noble Vines ) 2013160  2016--50
337 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Noble Vines ) 2016180119165201930
337 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Noble Vines ) 2017180119 2019--
337 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Noble Vines ) 2019180  2022--
337 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Noble Vines ) 2021230  2024--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2010160  2012--60
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2011160  2013--50
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2012150145 20154340
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2013160109 201636
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 20141601091292016--40
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2015165109 2017--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2016170119 2018--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2017175119 2019--40
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2018170119 2020--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2019170125179202240
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 20201751291792022--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2021 149 2024--
667 Pinot Noir ( Noble Vines ) 2022210149 2024--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2005 99 2008--60
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2006 99 2008--40
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2007 99 20093030
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2008  1362016--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2009180115 201116
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2010175  2013--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2011180119149201433
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2012 129 2015--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2013195129 2016--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2014180149 2016--50
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2015190149 2018--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2016240139 2019--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2017230139 2020--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2018  1492022--
7 Deadly Zins ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 20192101191492024--
770 Miles Cabernet Sauvignon ( The Wine Group ) 2005 60 2007--40
774 Pinot ( The Fableist Wine Company ) 2017349  2020--60
774 Pinot ( The Fableist Wine Company ) 2018380  2020--
A Proper Claret ( Bonny Doon ) 2013 173 2015--
A Proper Claret ( Bonny Doon ) 2014194179 2016--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2013 514 2016--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2014429568 2017--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2015429  2018--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2016449 2792018--50
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2017474  2019--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2020549  2024--
A Tribute To Grace ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2022 399 2024--
Abbey Harris Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014499  2017--
Abbey Harris Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016498  2019--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2013 79 2015--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2014 85 2016--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2015 89 2017--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2016 89 2019--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2017 89 2019--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2018 89 2020--
Amazin` Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2019 89 2021--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2014369  2017--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2012329  2015--60
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2013379  2016--60
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014429  2017--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2015429  2018--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2017398  2020--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2021499  2024--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2014659  2017--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2015659  2018--
Anderson Valley Pinot Noir ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2015420  2017--
Antle Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Birichino ) 2014400379 2017--
Antle Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Birichino ) 2015449  2020--
Apothic Inferno ( Apothic Wines ) 2015 149 2018--
Apothic Inferno ( Apothic Wines ) 2017 149 2019--
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2011 79 2013--
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2014 89 2016--
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2015 99 2017--
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2016 991302018--50
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2017 991202019--
Apothic Red ( Apothic Wines ) 2021 1291202024--
Arrow Ruby Cabernet ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 200185  20043340
Arrow Shiraz ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 200390  2005--50
Arrow Zinfandel ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 200390  2004--40
Artezin Zinfandel ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2002160  2006--60
Artezin Zinfandel ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2004160  2006--50
Artezin Zinfandel ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2006170  2008--
Artezin Zinfandel ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2010190  2012--
Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon ( Purple Wine Company ) 2013 109 2016--
Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon ( Purple Wine Company ) 2014 119 2017--
Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon ( Purple Wine Company ) 2015 125 2018--
Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon ( Purple Wine Company ) 2016 149 2019--
Avalon California Cabernet Sauvignon ( Purple Wine Company ) 2018 199 2021--
Backhouse Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2013  902015--30
Backhouse Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2014  902017--30
Baker Ranch Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2015499  2018--
Baker Ranch Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016498  2019--
Barbera ( Renwood ) 2011280  2016--40
Barrel Select Pinot Noir ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2005 135 2007--30
Barrel Select Pinot Noir ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2006 149 2009--40
Barrel Select Zindandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2006 116 2009--40
Barrel Select Zindandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2012 99 2016--
Bella Union ( Far Niente ) 2015 695 2018--
Bellflower Pinot Noir ( Bellflower ) 2015 119 2016--
Benson Ranch Nero d`Avola ( Martha Stoumen ) 2015299  2017--
Besieged ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2013210  2016--
Besieged ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2014220 992017--
Besson Vineyard Grenache ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2017449  2019--
Besson Vineyard Grenache ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2018530  2021--
Besson Vineyard Grenache ( A Tribute To Grace Wine Company ) 2021598  2024--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Gavin Chanin ) 2014480  2017--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Gavin Chanin ) 2015500  2017--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Gavin Chanin ) 2016500  2019--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Gavin Chanin ) 2017540  2019--50
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2013419499 2016--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014 399 2017--
Bien Nacido Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2015419  2018--
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2005266  2009--60
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2007340  2011--60
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2008459  2016--
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2009463351 2015--
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2011 380 2016--
Bien Nacido Syrah ( Bonny Doon ) 2012 399 2018--
Big Break Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2013  2492017--
Big Brother Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2011449  2016--
Big Brother Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2012499  2017--
Big Brother Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2013499  2018--
Big Brother Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2014549  2019--
Big House Red ( Bonny Doon ) 2003   2005--30
Big House Red ( Bonny Doon ) 2004 99 2006--50
Big House Red ( Bonny Doon ) 200512084 2007--40
Birichino Bechthold Cinsault Old Vines ( Birichino ) 2015300  2017--
Birichino Bechthold Vineyard Cinsault ( Birichino ) 2012 169 2015--
Birichino Grenache Besson Vineyard ( Birichino ) 2012 149 2015--
Birichino Grenache Besson Vineyard ( Birichino ) 20132852492192016--50
Birichino Grenache Besson Vineyard ( Birichino ) 2016 269 2019--
Birichino Grenache Besson Vineyard ( Birichino ) 2017285239 2019--50
Birichino Lilo Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Birichino ) 2012 369 2015--
Birichino Lilo Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Birichino ) 2013 350 2019--
Birichino Pinot Noir Saint George ( Birichino ) 2012 199 2015--
Birichino Pinot Noir Saint George ( Birichino ) 2014 229 2016--
Birichino Pinot Noir Saint George ( Birichino ) 2015 2292792017--30
Birichino Pinot Noir Saint George ( Birichino ) 2022400  2024--46
Birichino Pinot Noir Saint George ( Birichino ) 2023400  2024--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2013290249 2015--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2014 249 2017--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2015290249 2018--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2016 269 2019--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2017 269 2019--
Birichino Saint Georges Zinfandel ( Birichino ) 2018380  2024--
Black Knight Bourbon Barreled Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2016 99 2018--
Black Stallion CS Limited Edition ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2011 969 2016--
Black Stallion CS Limited Edition ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2012 968 2016--
Black Stallion CS Limited Edition ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2016 599 2019--
Black Stallion CS Limited Edition ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2019 699 2024--
Black Stallion Gaspare Vineyard ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2013 699 2017--
Black Stallion Limited Release ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2012 699 2016--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2012 199 2016--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2014 199 2017--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2016 209 2018--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2018 209 2020--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2019 209 2021--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2020 219 2022--
Black Stallion Los Carneros Pinot Noir ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2021 349 2024--
Black Stallion Transcendent CS ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2010 1770 2016--
Block 28 Zinfandel ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2013399  2017--
Block 28 Zinfandel ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2014479  2020--
Block 8 Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2014720  2017--
Block 8 Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2016830  2018--
Block 8 Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2017870  2020--
Block 8 Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2018870  2022--
Block M Pinot Noir ( Melville Winery ) 2014 659 2016--
Bloom`s Field Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2013550  2016--
Bloom`s Field Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2014600561 2017--
Bloom`s Field Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2015600  2018--
Bloom`s Field Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2016630  2018--
Bloom`s Field Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2017700  2020--
Bohan Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2016498  2018--
Bohan Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2018 539 2021--
Bohan Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2019 539 2022--
Bold Vine Old Vine Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2012  69201533
Bold Vine Old Vine Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2013  752015--30
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 2014  2002016--50
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 2015200  2019--60
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 20162001392002018--
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 2017200139 2019--
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 20181901392002020--50
Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( 1000 Stories ) 20211851492002024--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2012 129 2015--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2013 129 2017--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2014 1291652016--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2015  1692018--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2016  1692019--
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2017  1752020--50
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2019  1752022--50
Brazin Old Vine Zinfandel ( Brazin Cellars ) 2020  1952022--50
Broken Leg Pinot Noir ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2013499  2016--
Buffalo Barrel Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2016 115 2018--
Buffalo Barrel Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2017 115 2019--
Buffalo Barrel Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2018 109 2020--
Buffalo Barrel Bourbon Barrel Aged Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2021 119 2024--
Byron Nielson Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Byron Winery ) 2011451  2016--
Cabernet Franc ( Robert Sinskey ) 2005 265 2011--
Cabernet Franc ( Robert Sinskey ) 2006 380 2013--
Cabernet Franc ( Truchard Vineyards ) 2005170  2009--50
Cabernet Franc Central Coast ( Broc Cellars ) 2012239  2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Barra of Mendocino ) 2012 119 2014--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Barra of Mendocino ) 2013 139 2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Barra of Mendocino ) 2014 150 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Barra of Mendocino ) 2016 129 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bear Path Vineyards ) 2017325  2020--60
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beckmen Vineyards ) 2002   2005--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bliss Vineyards ) 2015  1102018--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2013209199 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2014209209 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2015209209 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2016219215 2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2017230219 2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2020265  2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2021 239 2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2003 125 2006--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2004 125 2007--60
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2005 135 2007--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2006 139 2009--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2007 139 2009--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2008 139 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2009 139 2013--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2011  702015--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2013  702016--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2016  1392018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2018  1502021--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2019 139 2021--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Bread and Butter ) 2022   202443
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Brutocao Cellars and Vineyard ) 2015 189 2017--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Brutocao Cellars and Vineyard ) 2016 149 2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Brutocao Cellars and Vineyard ) 2017  2702020--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2014240  2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2016250  2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2017243  2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2018235  2022--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2019280  2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Canyon Road Winery ) 2000114  2004--20
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cardinale Winery ) 20092704  2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2009 949 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2012 399 2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2013 399 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2014 399 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2015 399 2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2016 449 2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2017 499 2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2018 499 2021--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Château Montelena Winery ) 2019 799 2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cliff Lede Vineyards ) 2012   2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Cliff Lede Vineyards ) 2014   2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Clos du Val ) 2004300  2009--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Clos du Val ) 2005300  2009--60
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Clos du Val ) 2012   2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Clos du Val ) 2014   2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2004 130 2007--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Corbett Canyon Vineyards ) 2005 59 2008--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2014 89 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2015 89 2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2017 89 2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2018 89 2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2019 89 2022--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dark Horse ) 2020  602024--40
Cabernet sauvignon ( Domaine Eden ) 2012  2992016--30
Cabernet sauvignon ( Domaine Eden ) 2017  3792022--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hahn Winery ) 2013 139 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hahn Winery ) 2014 159 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hahn Winery ) 2015 164 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hahn Winery ) 2022  1592024--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hayes Ranch ) 2012  882016--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hayes Ranch ) 2013  1002017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hayes Ranch ) 2016  1102019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hayes Ranch ) 2017  1102020--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hayes Ranch ) 2018  1102021--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2013650  2017--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2018849  2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2001144  2004--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 200714376 2009--30
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2011230  2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2014230139 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2016 139 2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2020  892024--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lander-Jenkins ) 2013190  2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lander-Jenkins ) 2014  1572017--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2013200  2016--30
Cabernet Sauvignon ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2014 139 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2015150  2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2017 149 2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Monterey Vineyard ) 1992   199830
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Morgan Bay Cellars ) 2013170 1052016--60
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2006380  2010--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2012612559 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2013633  2018--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2014 619 2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2017 899 2022--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Mount Eden ) 2018 999 2023--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Paso Creek ) 2013 189 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( R.H. Phillips Vineyard ) 2002129  2005--40
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Red Truck Winery ) 2004 96 2006--50
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2008  2352016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2009329  2012--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2010 329 2013--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2011 351 2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2012469379 2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2013499440 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2014549449 2017--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2018 615 2021--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2019 645 2022--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2020839895 2023--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2021 975 2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Scherrer winery ) 2009588  2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Scherrer winery ) 2011598  2019--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Scherrer winery ) 2016698  2021--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Spottswoode ) 2012 1399 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon ( Spottswoode ) 2013 1399 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon Cask 23 ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 200916291555 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon Cask 23 ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 20151999  2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon Cask 23 ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 20162500  2020--
Cabernet Sauvignon Cask 23 ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 20193500  2024--
Cabernet Sauvignon Central Coast ( Ryder Estate Wines ) 2013  802016--50
Cabernet Sauvignon Coastal Vineyards ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2002   2005--50
Cabernet Sauvignon Cote de Sol ( Lucas and Lewellen ) 2010 109 2013--
Cabernet Sauvignon Hawk Crest ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 2007 149 2015--
Cabernet Sauvignon Hawk Crest ( Stag`s Leap Wine Cellars ) 2008 149 2016--
Cabernet Sauvignon Paso Robles ( Robert Hall Winery ) 2020300  2024--50
Cabernet Sauvignon Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 200397  2005--50
Cabernet Sauvignon Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2004 65 2005--50
Cabernet Shiraz ( Monterra Winery ) 2004 87 2006--40
Caiden`s Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Block Nine ) 2015 209 2016--
Caiden`s Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Block Nine ) 2016 209 2018--
Caiden`s Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Block Nine ) 2017 219 2019--
Caiden`s Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Block Nine ) 2021 241 2023--50
Calera Jensen Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 791 2016--
Calera Mills Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 574 2016--
Calera Reed Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 639 2016--
Calera Selleck Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 819 2016--
Cali Red ( 19 Crimes ) 2020 139 2023--
Cali Red ( 19 Crimes ) 2021170  2023--
California Claret ( Meritage Vineyards ) 2004 67 2006--40
California Claret ( Meritage Vineyards ) 2006 67 2008--40
California Zinfandel ( Murphy Goode ) 2012279 3292016--50
California Zinfandel ( Murphy Goode ) 2014  3292020--40
California Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2012215  2016--
California Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2014215  2018--
Californio ( Hyde de Villaine Wines ) 2013760  2018--
Californio ( Hyde de Villaine Wines ) 2018970  2024--
Calitopia ( Altia ) 2012 52 2015--
Campbell Ranch Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014449  2016--
Campbell Ranch Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2015499  2017--
Campbell Ranch Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016528  2018--
Cardinal Zin ( Bonny Doon ) 2005159  2007--40
Cardinal Zin ( Bonny Doon ) 2012130  2014--60
Cardinal Zin ( Bonny Doon ) 2014130  2016--
Carignan ( Vinca Minor ) 2016 299 2018--
Carignane ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2014275  2015--60
Carneros Gamay Noir ( Byron Kosuge Wines ) 2017324  2019--50
Carneros Garnet Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2004 159 2006--50
Carneros Garnet Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2006 164 2007--50
Carneros Garnet Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2007 179 2009--50
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2011 175 201433
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2013 199 2016--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2014 199 2018--60
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2016 199 2019--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2017 209 2020--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2019 209 2021--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2020 269 2022--50
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Etude Wines ) 2008400  2016--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Etude Wines ) 2010400  2017--
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2002   2005--50
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2006 299 2008--50
Carneros Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2007 299 2010--
Cashmere ( Cline Cellars ) 2007 99 2009--50
Cashmere ( Cline Cellars ) 2011 99 2013--
Cashmere ( Cline Cellars ) 2014 115 2016--
Cashmere ( Cline Cellars ) 2015 105 2016--
Cashmere Black Magic ( Cline Cellars ) 2015 129 2017--
Cashmere Black Magic ( Cline Cellars ) 2016 139 2018--
Ca`Momi Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ca Momi ) 2013354  2016--
Ca`Momi Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ca Momi ) 2014   2017--
Ca`Momi Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ca Momi ) 2016385  2019--
Ca`Momi Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ca Momi ) 2017425  2021--
Ca`Momi Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ca Momi ) 2019399  2024--
Ca`Momi Zinfandel ( Ca Momi ) 2013326  2016--
Central Coast Zinfandel, Lucky Horseshoe ( Hayes Ranch ) 2012  882015--30
Charles and Charles Post no. 35 ( Charles Smith Wines ) 2013  1652016--30
Chateaux Vadeaux ( Sjöblom Winery ) 2013 99 2017--
Cherry Camp Sonoma Coast Syrah ( Radio-Coteau ) 2012549  2016--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2015 75 2017--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2016 75 2017--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2017 79 2018--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2018 79 2020--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2019 79 2022--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2020 79 2022--
Chill Out Dark and Generous ( Altia ) 2021 79 2023--
Chill Out Lakes Shiraz ( V and S ) 2002   2005--50
Chill Out Lakes Shiraz ( V and S ) 2003   2005--30
Chill Out Lakes Shiraz ( V and S ) 2004 59 2005--40
Chill Out Lakes Shiraz ( V and S ) 2007 59 2009--30
Clear Lake Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2007220  2016--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2009 429 2018--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2010 300 2017--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2011385  2017--50
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2013 429 2019--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2014 429 2020--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2015   2022--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2016 429 2022--
Clendenen Family Vineyards Nebbiolo Bricco Buon Natale ( Au Bon Climat ) 2017460  2022--50
Cline Ancient Vines Carignane ( Cline Cellars ) 2016 159 2019--
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2013 169 2016--40
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2014 159 2016--
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 20161801591492018--50
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2017 159 2020--
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2018180  2021--
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2019 229 2024--
Cline Ancient Vines Mourvèdre ( Cline Cellars ) 2020200  2024--
Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2014170  20173660
Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2015175  2017--
Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2016180159 2018--50
Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2018175  2020--
Cline Ancient Vines Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2021170  2024--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 201413799 2016--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2015145114 2016--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2016135  2018--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 201814099 2019--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 201914599 2021--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2020155101 2023--
Cocoon Zinfandel ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2021170  2024--
Combe Trousseau ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2016350  2017--
Combe Trousseau ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2017380  2018--
Combe Trousseau ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2018400  2020--
Comptche Ridge Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2013449  2016--
Comptche Ridge Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014499  2017--
Comptche Ridge Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2017499  2021--60
Concannon Conservancy Cabernet Sauvignon ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2012 109 2015--
Concannon Conservancy Cabernet Sauvignon ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2013 119 2016--
Concannon Conservancy Petite Sirah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2008130  2011--60
Contra ( Bonny Doon ) 2009190  2010--53
Contra ( Bonny Doon ) 2011245  2015--
Copain Kiser Combe des Gres ( Copain Wines ) 2010599  2015--60
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2013258199 2015--60
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2014289259 2016--60
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2015298  2016--40
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2016339  2019--60
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2017315  2020--60
Copain Tous Ensemble Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2018400  2023--
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2005 294 2008--50
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2006 299 2010--50
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2007 299 2011--
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2009 299 2013--
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2010300299 2014--50
Cortina Zinfandel ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2012400  2015--40
Court Far Coast Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Hartford Family Winery ) 2009759  2016--
Court Highwire Vineyard Zinfandel ( Hartford Family Winery ) 2011718  2016--
Crane Lake Malbec ( Crane Lake Cellars ) 2006 69 2009--
Crimson Cabernet Sauvignon ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2010120  2013--40
CrossLyn Zinfandel ( AmByth Estate ) 2011369  2015--
CrossLyn Zinfandel ( AmByth Estate ) 2013398  2017--
Cuvée Catherine pinot Noir ( Kistler Vineyards ) 2011759  2015--
Cuvée Elizabeth Bodega Headlands Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2013826  2017--
Cuvée Elizabeth Bodega Headlands Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2016889  2019--
Cuvée Le Bec ( Beckmen Vineyards ) 2003   2005--40
Dancing Bull Zinfandel ( Rancho Zabaco ) 2004100  2007--43
Dark ( Apothic Wines ) 2014 109 2016--
Dark ( Apothic Wines ) 2015 109 2018--
De Villiers ( Calera Wine Company ) 2012 419 2015--
De Villiers ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 489 2016--
Demuth Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2013449  2016--
Demuth Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014499  2017--
Demuth Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016498  2019--
Demuth Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2013549  2018--
Demuth Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2014549  2017--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2011194  2013--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2012257  2016--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2013250  2017--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2015250  2018--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2016270  2018--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2018284  2020--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2019290  2022--
Diamond Collection Claret CS ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2021325  2024--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2011166  2013--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2012214  2015--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2015216  2018--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2016216  2019--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2017233  2020--
Diamond Collection Zinfandel ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2021280 1592024--50
Diamond Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20093090  2016--
Dierberg Block 5 Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2013545  2017--
Dierberg Block 5 Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2014551  2017--
Dierberg Block 5 Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2015 450 2018--
Dierberg Block 5 Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2016700  2018--
Dierke Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2013549  2018--
Dierke Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2016598  2020--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2012332  2016--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2014320  2017--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2015320  2018--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2016350  2020--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2017344  2020--
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2019  2592024--50
Director`s Cut Cabernet Sauvignon ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2020400  2024--
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2012 119 2015--
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2013 119 2015--
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2014 1251092016--40
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2015 125 2018--
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2016 129 2019--
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2017 129 201936
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2018 1391502020--40
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2019 1391502021--50
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2020 1491502022--40
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2021 1491502023--50
District 7 Pinot Noir ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2022 1491502024--50
Domaine de la Côte ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2014 710 2017--
Drew Balo Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Drew Family Wines ) 2013369  2015--60
Dunn Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dunn Vineyards ) 20021099  2009--
Dunn Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dunn Vineyards ) 2009   2016--
Dunn Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dunn Vineyards ) 2011822  2015--60
Dunn Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dunn Vineyards ) 20131000  2017--
Dunn Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Dunn Vineyards ) 20141076  2018--
Duvarita Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2014 499 2018--
Eagle Creek ( Peter Mertes ) 2012   2015--
Eagle Peak Merlot ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2003 89 2005--40
Earthquake Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2011 219 2014--
Edizone Penino Zinfandel ( Inglenook Vineyards ) 2011435  2015--50
Edna Valley Nebbiolo ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2014329  2017--
Edna Valley Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2018319  2020--
Edna Valley Pinot Noir ( Stephen Ross Wine Cellars ) 2013 368 2016--
El Dorado Gamay Noir ( Arnot Roberts ) 2017 393 2018--60
Elvis The King Cabernet Sauvignon ( Elvis Presley Wine Cellars ) 2011150109 2012--30
Elvis The King Cabernet Sauvignon ( Elvis Presley Wine Cellars ) 2013150111 20152340
Elvis The King Cabernet Sauvignon ( Elvis Presley Wine Cellars ) 2014155109 2016--
Elvis The King Cabernet Sauvignon ( Elvis Presley Wine Cellars ) 2015160109 2017--
Elvis The King Cabernet Sauvignon ( Elvis Presley Wine Cellars ) 2016170109 2018--
Encantada Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2013580  2017--
Encantada Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2014500  2019--
Equinox Merlot Petit Sirah ( V and S ) 2006 75 2007--40
Esprit de Beaucastel Rouge ( Tablas Creek Vineyard ) 2007365  2017--
Esprit de Beaucastel Rouge ( Tablas Creek Vineyard ) 2008365  2018--
Evangelho Heritage ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2015409  2018--
Evangelho Heritage ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2017514  2019--
Evangelho Heritage ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2019634  2024--
Ex Anima Syrah ( Wrath Wines ) 2013 2601952016--40
Ex Anima Syrah ( Wrath Wines ) 2014 260 2017--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2015120  2016--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2016120  2018--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2017121  2018--30
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2018125  2019--30
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2019126  2020--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2020128  2022--30
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2021130  2023--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2022140  2024--
Falling Feather Ruby Cab ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2023143  2024--20
Fe Ciega Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014449549 2018--
Fe Ciega Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2015465  2019--
Fe Ciega Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2017499  2020--
Fe Ciega Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2020595  2024--
Fenaughty Vineyard Syrah ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2012349  2015--
Fiddletown Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2011275  2013--
Fiddletown Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2012250  2015--60
Fiddletown Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2014250  2017--
Five Thirteen ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2013250  2015--
Forefront Pinot Noir ( Pine Ridge Winery ) 2012300  2016--
Founders` Estate Merlot ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2000129  2004--40
Founders` Estate Merlot ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2002129  2006--50
Founders` Estate Merlot ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2003129  2006--50
Founders` Estate Merlot ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2013140  2016--
Founders` Estate Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2013   2015--40
Franc de Pied Syrah ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2014349  2017--
Franc de Pied Syrah ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2016369  2018--
Franc de Pied Syrah ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2017429  2020--
Freakshow ( Michael David Winery ) 2013 189 2016--
Freakshow ( Michael David Winery ) 2014 189 2017--
Freakshow ( Michael David Winery ) 2015 189 2018--
Freakshow ( Michael David Winery ) 2019 179 2022--
Freestone-Occidental Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2017 699 2020--
Freestone-Occidental Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2018 699 2021--
Freestone-Occidental Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2020 699 2022--
Freestone-Occidental Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2022 899 2024--
Fritz Estate Dry Creek Zinfandel ( Fritz Winery ) 2012196  2015--50
Fritz Estate Dry Creek Zinfandel ( Fritz Winery ) 2014259  2016--60
Gamay Noir ( Lo-Fi Wines ) 2016220  2018--
Game of Thrones Paso Robles Red Blend ( Vintage Wine Estates ) 2016 179 2019--
Game of Thrones Paso Robles Red Blend ( Vintage Wine Estates ) 2017 189 2020--
Geyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2014  392016--30
Geyser Peak Cabernet Sauvignon ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2015  402018--20
Geyser Peak Zinfandel ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2012110 5020153350
Geyser Peak Zinfandel ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2013125109502015--30
Geyser Peak Zinfandel ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2015130 802017--
Geyser Peak Zinfandel ( Geyser Peak Winery ) 2016150  2018--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1998210  2005--60
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1999210  2005--50
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2002   2005--50
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2003   2006--60
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2005 2992492007--50
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2006 299 2008--50
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2007 295 2009--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2008 2951982010--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2010299289 2013--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2011349289 2013--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2013389299 2015--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2014420330 2016--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2015429349 2017--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2016 349 2018--60
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2017459  2020--60
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2019 419 2021--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2020 449 2022--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2021599  2023--
Geyserville ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2022 595 2024--
Grand Circle Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2003   2005--30
Grand Circle Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2004100  2006--30
Grand Circle Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hess Collection Winery ) 2005100  2007--60
Grandpere Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2010360  2013--
Grandpere Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2012280  2016--
Grape Gambler GSM ( Altia ) 2018 109 2019--
Gravel Bed Red Wine ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2006 64 2007--30
Graziano Zinfandel Reserve ( Graziano ) 2013298  2017--
Graziano Zinfandel Reserve ( Graziano ) 2014329  2020--
Grenache Noir ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2015319  2017--
Hapgood Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2013801  2016--
Hapgood Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2014801  2018--
Happy Canyon Cabernet Franc ( Broc Cellars ) 2015309  2018--
Happy Canyon RSW Cabernet Sauvignon ( Tyler Winery ) 2018850  2022--60
Happy Canyon RSW Cabernet Sauvignon ( Tyler Winery ) 20191200  2024--
Hawkeye Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2005319  2010--
Hawkeye Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2019  4992024--50
Hawks Butte Syrah ( Copain Wines ) 2011330  2014--60
Hawks Butte Syrah ( Copain Wines ) 2012439  2016--
Hawks Butte Syrah ( Copain Wines ) 2017498  2020--
Helluva Pinot Noir ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2013279  2015--50
Helluva Pinot Noir ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2014349  2016--60
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2007319  2011--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2011400  2016--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2013400  2017--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2014410  2018--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2016500  2019--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2018496  2021--
Heritage Reserve Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2019490  2024--
Hirsch Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2014659  2017--
Hirsch Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2015658  2018--
Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20093092  2016--
Howell Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20113183  2016--
Hyde Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Patz and Hall ) 2012580  2016--
Hyde Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Patz and Hall ) 2013600  2017--
Hyde Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Patz and Hall ) 2014 749 2018--
Il Cuore Barbera ( Il Cuore Wine Cellars ) 2005184  2008--40
Indica Mendocino County ( Lioco Wine ) 2013324  2018--
Isabelle Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2013489  2017--
Isabelle Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2016559  2020--
Isabelle Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2019569 5952022--50
J.Lohr Seven Oaks Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2012180  2015--
J.Lohr Seven Oaks Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2016  1292019--40
J.Lohr Seven Oaks Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2020  1292024--
Jaffurs Syrah Santa Barbara ( Jaffurs Wine Cellars ) 2009245  2012--50
John Sebastiano Vineyard Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2013 449 2016--
Joyce Submarine Canyon Monterey Pinot ( Joyce Vineyards ) 2018250  2020--60
Joyce Submarine Canyon Monterey Pinot ( Joyce Vineyards ) 2019250  2021--50
Joyce Submarine Canyon Monterey Pinot ( Joyce Vineyards ) 2021260  2022--
Juvenile Turley Wine Cellars ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2017 319 2019--
Juvenile Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2015 319 2017--50
Juvenile Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2016 319 2018--
Kazmet Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2012299  2016--
Kessler Haak Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014389449 2016--
KFV Farmer`s Reserve Ranger Blend ( Enjoy Wine and Spirits ) 2008 99 2010--60
KFV Farmer`s Reserve Ranger Blend ( Enjoy Wine and Spirits ) 2009 99 2011--
King Fish Cabernet Sauvignon ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2007 55 2009--
Klindt Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Lioco Wine ) 2012376  2015--60
Knez Cerise Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2009479  2017--
Knez Cerise Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2012389  2015--
Knez Cerise Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2014439  2016--
Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 20122452192602016--50
Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2013300229 2016--50
Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2014330229 2017--
Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2015330 1992020--50
Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2018340229 2022--50
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2005 393 2008--50
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2010 349 2015--
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2012 549 2016--
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2013489  2017--
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2014 549 2019--
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2015559549 2020--
Knox Alexander Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2016559  2020--
Kutch California Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2015329  2017--
Kutch California Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2019  2492021--40
Kutch Falstaff Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2015499599 2017--
Kutch Falstaff Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2016529  2018--
Kutch Falstaff Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2018 589 2021--
Kutch Falstaff Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2019 589 2022--
La Bauge Au-dessus Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2010 289 2015--
La Bauge Au-dessus Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2018  4452023--40
La Cote ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2017  6692021--53
La Cuadrilla ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2015300  2018--
La Cuadrilla ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2016340  2018--
La Cuadrilla ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2018340  2020--
La Cuadrilla ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2022350249 2024--
La Désir ( Verite Wines ) 20093395  2017--
La Désir ( Verite Wines ) 20113178  2017--
La Joie ( Verite Wines ) 20093395  2017--
La Joie ( Verite Wines ) 20113175  2017--
La Muse ( Verite Wines ) 20093395  2017--
La Muse ( Verite Wines ) 20113180  2017--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2012399  2015--50
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2013449  2016--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2014489  2017--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2015498499 2018--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2016498  2018--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2017499  2019--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2018498  2020--
La Neblina Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2019 499 2022--
La Rinconada Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2018870  2021--50
Laguna Pinot Noir ( Lioco Wine ) 2013 480 2016--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2003 199 2007--50
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2005299234 2009--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2007355  2013--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2008355299 2013--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2009365  2014--50
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2010414341 2015--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2011 389 2016--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2012 459 2017--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2014 399 2017--
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2021 219 2023--60
Le Cigare Volant ( Bonny Doon ) 2023 221 2024--
Leaping Horse Merlot ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2016 89 2018--
Leaping Horse Merlot ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2017 89 2019--
Leaping Horse Merlot ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2018 89 2020--
Leaping Horse Merlot ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2019 89 2021--
Lee Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Saintsbury ) 2007 399 2011--
Les Larmes Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2014 513 2016--
Les Larmes Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2016 509 2018--
Les Larmes Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2018 589 2020--
Les Larmes Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2019 579 2021--
Les Larmes Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2020 619 2022--
Les Voisins ( Copain Wines ) 2011329  2015--60
Les Voisins ( Copain Wines ) 2012359365 2015--60
Les Voisins ( Copain Wines ) 2013 240 2016--
Les Voisins ( Copain Wines ) 2015398  2017--
Les Voisins ( Copain Wines ) 2016429  2020--
Line 39 Petite Sirah ( Redtree Winery ) 2006 100 2008--50
Line 39 Petite Sirah ( Redtree Winery ) 2015  882017--40
Line 39 Cabernet Sauvignon ( Redtree Winery ) 2016  892018--40
Line 39 Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2016  892018--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2004165  2006--53
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2006165  2009--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2008173  2011--60
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2012180  2015--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2013200  2016--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2014200129 2016--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2015  692016--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2016200  2019--50
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2017200149 2019--
Lodi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2018233  2020--50
Los Alamos Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2017 549 2020--
Los Carneros Pinot ( Black Stallion Winery ) 2014290  2017--
Los Carneros Pinot ( Black Stallion Winery ) 2016300  2018--50
Los Carneros Pinot ( Black Stallion Winery ) 2018300  2020--
Los Topos Garnacha ( Ledge Vineyards ) 2012 260 2016--
Los Topos Garnacha ( Ledge Vineyards ) 2013 259 2017--
Love You Bunches Carbonic Sangiovese ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2016300  2017--
Love You Bunches Carbonic Sangiovese ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2017300229 2018--40
Love You Bunches Carbonic Sangiovese ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2018320219 2019--
Love You Bunches Carbonic Sangiovese ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2019300229 2020--
Love You Bunches Carbonic Sangiovese ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2020300  2022--
Luna Matta Vineyard Nebbiolo ( Wind Gap ) 2009399  2017--
Lynx Black Label Petite Sirah ( House of Big Wines ) 2015 109 2017--
Lynx Black Label Petite Sirah ( House of Big Wines ) 2016 109 2018--
Lynx Black Label Petite Sirah ( House of Big Wines ) 2017 109 2018--
Lynx Black Label Petite Sirah ( House of Big Wines ) 2018 119 2019--
Lynx Black Label Petite Sirah ( House of Big Wines ) 2023 129 2024--
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2016 8975201830
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2017 89 2019--
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2018 95 2019--
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2019 95 2021--
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2021 99 2023--
Lynx Petite Sirah Zinfandel ( House of Big Wines ) 2022 109 2024--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2014 300 2016--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2015389339 2017--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2016 339 2018--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2017419  2019--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2018 395 2021--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2019 399 2022--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2020 499 2023--
Lytton Estate Petite Sirah ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2021 529 2024--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1998210  2005--60
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1999210  2005--50
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2003 269 2006--50
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2005 2992492007--60
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2006 299 2008--50
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2007287295 2009--60
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20082952951982010--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2010299  2012--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2011649289 2013--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2012297  20155050
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2013389299 2015--50
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2014440329 2016--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2015429349 2017--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2016459349 2018--60
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2017449  2020--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2018 399 2021--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2019 419 2022--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2020 449 2022--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2021599579 2023--
Lytton Springs ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2022649595 20255353
M and D Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael David Winery ) 2013220  2017--
M and D Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael David Winery ) 2014220  2018--
M and D Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael David Winery ) 2016240  2019--
M and D Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael David Winery ) 2019281  2025--
M and D Freakshow Cabernet Sauvignon ( Michael David Winery ) 2022 199 2025--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2013200  2017--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2014200  2018--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2015200  2018--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2016220  2019--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2017240  2020--
M and D Petite Petit ( Michael David Winery ) 2019280  2024--
Mae Estate Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2019820  2022--60
Mae Estate Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2020840  2024--
Maiestas ( AmByth Estate ) 2012459  2017--
Manchester Ridge Pinot Noir ( Poe Wines ) 2014498  2017--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2004365  2009--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2008405  2015--60
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2009495  2016--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2011490  2017--60
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2014510  2017--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2015510  2020--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2016550  2020--
Marimar Estate Christina Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2018600559 2022--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2009 300 2015--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2010 300 2017--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2012400349 2016--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2014460429 2017--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2016460429 2020--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2017455429 2020--60
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2018460  2022--
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 20195154294002022--50
Marimar Estate La Masia Pinot Noir ( Miguel Torres ) 2021 449 2024--
Marimar Estate Mas Cavalls Doña ( Miguel Torres ) 2012395  2016--60
Mauro Americano Zinfandel Reserve ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2014 109 2016--
Mauro Americano Zinfandel Reserve ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2015 114 2017--
Mauro Americano Zinfandel Reserve ( Nordic Sea Winery AB ) 2018 119 2019--
McDowell Syrah 1998198  200240
McManis North Forty Red ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2015 169 2018--
McManis North Forty Red ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2017 189 2019--
Mead Ranch Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2014 549 2016--
Meat Packers Zinfandel ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 200995  20122656
Meatpacker`s Organic ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2009114  2011--50
Meatpacker`s Organic ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2010115  2012--
Meatpacker´s Zinfandel ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 200995  2010--40
Melville Estate Pinot Noir ( Melville Winery ) 2008 299 2010--50
Memorious ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2013550  2016--
Memorious ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2015500  2018--
Memorious ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2016530  2018--
Memorious ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2017600  2020--
Memorious ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2021 779 2024--
Mendo Benchlands ( Martha Stoumen ) 2015325  2017--
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2012248  2015--60
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2013248  2017--
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2014259  2018--
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2015259  2019--60
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2016269  2020--
Mendocino Zinfandel ( Graziano ) 2017279  2024--
Merlot ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2016250  2019--50
Merlot ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2017243  2020--
Merlot ( Cannonball Wine Co ) 2019275  2024--
Merlot ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2001100  2004--30
Merlot ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2003100  2005--40
Merlot ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2011   2015--30
Merlot ( Frog`s Leap ) 2013 349 2017--
Merlot ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2005 79 2007--30
Merlot ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2013   2016--
Merlot ( Mandolin ) 2005110  2006--60
Merlot ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2014 129 2016--
Merlot ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2015 129 2017--
Merlot ( Red Truck Winery ) 2006 99 2009--30
Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2013479440 2016--
Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2014519  2018--
Merlot ( Starmont Winery and Vineyards ) 2014 2942492018--50
Merlot ( Talus Collection ) 2004 74 2006--30
Monkey Jacket Red Blend ( Cruse Wine co ) 2017 239 2019--60
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1997599 12302005--50
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1998599  2005--40
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2008  7402016--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20092399  2019--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20121299995 2015--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20131399  2017--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20141399  2018--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20161599  2019--
Montebello Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 20202290  2023--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2010370  2016--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2012 314 2016--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2014   2017--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2015   2017--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2016 314 2019--
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2018339  2020--50
Monterey Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2022399  2024--
Monument Tree ( Copain Wines ) 2011499  2014--60
Monument Tree ( Copain Wines ) 2012549599 2015--60
Monument Tree ( Copain Wines ) 2013599  2016--60
Mount Veeder Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20093090  2016--
Mount Veeder Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20113180  2016--
Mourvedre Old Vines Contra Costa County ( Birichino Amici ) 2016 229 2018--
My Californian Pet ( Altia ) 2016100  2017--
My Favorite Pinot ( California House ) 2013200  2016--
Nancy`s Vines Pinot ( Cline Cellars ) 2016150  2017--
Nancy`s Vines Pinot ( Cline Cellars ) 2018160  2020--50
Nancy`s Vines Pinot ( Cline Cellars ) 2019159  2021--
Nancy`s Vines Pinot ( Cline Cellars ) 2022190  2024--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2011  3502016--50
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2012 3493502016--50
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Corison Winery ) 2013685792 2017--60
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Corison Winery ) 2014750  2018--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Corison Winery ) 2015850  2019--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Corison Winery ) 2016950  2019--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Grgich Hills Estate ) 2008439  2012--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2013520 3992017--50
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2014520  2019--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2016520399 2020--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2017640  2024--
Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2018 499 2024--
Napa Valley Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2005369  2008--60
Napa Valley Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2013   2016--
Napa Valley Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2014 414 2018--
Napa Valley Merlot ( Twomey Cellars ) 2012589  2016--
Napa Valley Merlot ( Twomey Cellars ) 2013689  2018--
Napa Valley Merlot ( Twomey Cellars ) 2015499  2024--
Napoleon ( Frenchie Winery ) 2009130  2014--60
Nebbiolo Rocca ( Palmina Wines ) 2009350  2017--60
Noir Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2014750  2018--
Noir Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2015750  2018--
Noir Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2016800  2018--
Noir Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2017920  2020--
North Coast Syrah ( Jolie Laide Wines ) 2013325  2016--
North Coast Syrah ( Jolie Laide Wines ) 2015369  2017--
North Coast Syrah ( Jolie Laide Wines ) 2020480  2024--
North Coast Syrah ( Jolie Laide Wines ) 2021 499 2024--
Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon ( Hoopes Vineyard ) 2013 599 2018--
Old and Mature Vines Zinfandel ( Scherrer winery ) 2012349  2016--
Old and Mature Vines Zinfandel ( Scherrer winery ) 2016398  2019--
Old and Mature Vines Zinfandel ( Scherrer winery ) 2018499  2024--
Old Telegram ( Bonny Doon ) 2004 236 2008--50
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2005 87 2006--60
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2006 86 2009--40
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 200812589 2010--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2011140  2015--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2012  79201536
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2013145  2016--50
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2014150105802016--40
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2015150109802017--40
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2016150109 2018--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2017150109 2019--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2018152109 2020--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2019 109 2021--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2020155109 2022--
Old Vine Zin ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2021200119 2024--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2013 249 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2014320 2252017--50
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2017404  2019--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2018  2252020--50
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2011169149100201436
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2012169149 201440
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2013200149 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2014209199 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2015219209 2017--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2016225169 2019--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2017230175 2019--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2018 179 2021--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2019 179 2022--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2020265  2024--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Dry Creek Vineyards ) 2012324  2015--60
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Dry Creek Vineyards ) 2013349  2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Dry Creek Vineyards ) 2014   2017--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2012 189 2015--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2013 199 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2014 199 2017--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2015 199 2018--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2016 215 2018--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Girard Winery ) 2017 215 2020--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2007 78 2008--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2014 1391002016--40
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2017 139 2019--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Jacuzzi Family Vineyards ) 2014150  2017--50
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Jacuzzi Family Vineyards ) 2015150  2018--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Jacuzzi Family Vineyards ) 2016150  2020--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Oak Farm Vineyards ) 2014250  2017--60
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Peirano Estate Winery ) 2014 178 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Peirano Estate Winery ) 2015 178 2018--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2012 399 2015--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2013 419 2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2014 419 2017--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2015 433 2018--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Turley Wine Cellars ) 2018 359 2021--
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Twisted Wines ) 2012  502015--50
Old Vine Zinfandel ( Twisted Wines ) 2014  602017--10
Old Vine Zinfandel Reserve ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2007276  2010--
Old Vine Zinfandel Reserve ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2020  752023--50
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2001129  2004--60
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2002126  2005--40
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2003127105 20062660
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2004130100 2007--50
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2005130100 2007--50
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2006 100 2009--40
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2012140  2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2013140  2016--
Old Vine Zinfandel, Beringer Founders` Estate ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2014140  2016--
One 6 Merlot ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2002120  2005--40
Oppenlander Pinot Noir ( Halcon Vineyards ) 2015 329 2017--
Original Zin 2014  69201826
Originals Syrah ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2015 349 2018--
Pagani Ranch Heritage ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2015479  2018--
Palermo ( Orin Swift Cellars ) 2015 539 2019--
Palermo ( Orin Swift Cellars ) 2016 599 2020--
Palermo ( Orin Swift Cellars ) 2018 599 2022--
Palermo ( Orin Swift Cellars ) 2019  5492023--50
Pali Huntington Pinot Noir ( Pali Wine Company ) 2012 189 2015--
Pali Huntington Pinot Noir ( Pali Wine Company ) 2013 200 2016--
Pali Huntington Pinot Noir ( Pali Wine Company ) 2015 259 2017--
Papestar Red ( Kunin Wines ) 2016 279 2019--
Para Maria ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2015300  2017--
Para Maria ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2017320  2019--
Paradox CMS ( California Oaks ) 2004 69 2006--30
Peak Cabernet Sauvignon ( Acumen Wines ) 2013 895 2018--
Peters Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014498  2016--
Peters Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2015499  2017--
Peters Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2017498  2019--
Peters Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2018498  2020--
Petit Sirah ( Girard Winery ) 2011 249 2016--
Petite Petit Sirah ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2012 150 2015--
Petite Petit Sirah ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2013 159 2016--
Petite Petit Sirah ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2014 169 2016--
Petite Petit Sirah ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2015 169 2017--
Petite Petit Sirah ( Michael and David Vineyards ) 2016 169 2019--40
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2005151  2008--50
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2006148  2009--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2007150  2009--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2011148  2014--60
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2013190189 2016--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2014199  2016--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2015210  2017--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2016229  2019--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2017229  2020--
Petite Sirah ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2019265  2024--
Petite Sirah ( Clay Station wines ) 2004 115 2006--50
Petite Sirah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2004123  2007--60
Petite Sirah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2005115  2008--50
Petite Sirah ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2012   2015--30
Petite Sirah ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 201316599752015--60
Petite Sirah ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 201417079109201933
Petite Sirah ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2016175  2020--
Petite Sirah ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2005 90 2007--40
Petite Sirah ( Ironstone Vineyards ) 2011  502015--40
Petite Sirah ( Lucas and Lewellen ) 2007 119 2010--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2008 99 2009--40
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2012 99 2013--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2013200101 2015--60
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2014200109 2016--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2015200109 20173350
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2016200109 2017--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2017207109 2019--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2018215115 2020--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2019 115 2021--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2020 115 2022--
Petite Sirah ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2021 125 2023--
Petite Sirah ( Red Truck Winery ) 2006 109 2008--50
Petite Sirah ( Redtree Winery ) 2007 79 2009--40
Petite Sirah ( Vina Robles ) 2005 248 2008--40
Petite Sirah Shenandoah Estate ( Di Arie Vineyards ) 2008 287 2016--
Phantom ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2014 199 2017--
Pinot Noir ( Alias Wines ) 2013  692016--
Pinot Noir ( Alias Wines ) 2014  692017--40
Pinot Noir ( Alias Wines ) 2015  692017--50
Pinot Noir ( Alias Wines ) 2016  692018--40
Pinot Noir ( Alias Wines ) 2017  692019--40
Pinot Noir ( Alma Rosa Winery ) 2013 245 2015--
Pinot Noir ( Banshee Wines ) 2014233  2017--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2013200  2016--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2014200  2017--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2015209  2018--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2016230  2019--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2017230  2020--
Pinot Noir ( Bogle Vineyards ) 2020265  2024--
Pinot Noir ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2009180  2014--50
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2011 199 2013--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2012 219 2015--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 20132502502152015--30
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2014 275 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2015 269 2018--60
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2016 275 2019--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2017 259 2020--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2018 259 2022--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2021 299 2024--
Pinot Noir ( Calera Wine Company ) 2022 299 2024--
Pinot Noir ( County Line Vineyards ) 2015 362 2017--
Pinot Noir ( Crave Vineyards ) 2013230 1002016--50
Pinot Noir ( Donovan-Parke Winery ) 2014 99 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Donovan-Parke Winery ) 2015 109 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Donovan-Parke Winery ) 2016 109 2018--
Pinot Noir ( Donovan-Parke Winery ) 2017 119 2018--
Pinot Noir ( Estancia ) 2013   2015--46
Pinot Noir ( Estancia ) 2014 149 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Foppiano Vineyards ) 2014 229 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2014150  2017--
Pinot Noir ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2017155  2019--
Pinot Noir ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2018150  2020--
Pinot Noir ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2019150 792021--40
Pinot Noir ( Gnarly Head Cellars ) 2022210  2024--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2011   2013--50
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2012 124 2013--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2013 133 2015--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2014 159 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2015 159 2017--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2018 164 2019--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2021 179 2024--
Pinot Noir ( Hahn Winery ) 2022  1592024--50
Pinot Noir ( HandCraft ) 2020  60202330
Pinot Noir ( HandCraft ) 2021  602023--
Pinot Noir ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2013393  2017--
Pinot Noir ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2014399  2018--
Pinot Noir ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2016449  2020--50
Pinot Noir ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2017449  2020--
Pinot Noir ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2020579  2024--
Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2012299  2015--60
Pinot Noir ( Knez Winery ) 2013369  2016--
Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2018299  2020--
Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2019289  2020--
Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2020289  2022--
Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2022300229 20244060
Pinot Noir ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2014200139 2016--
Pinot Noir ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2016207109 2018--
Pinot Noir ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2017 149 2018--
Pinot Noir ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2018165  2020--
Pinot Noir ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2021 169 2024--
Pinot Noir ( Murphy Goode ) 2014  1002016--40
Pinot Noir ( Murphy Goode ) 2016  1102019--40
Pinot Noir ( Murphy Goode ) 2018  1102020--40
Pinot Noir ( Murphy Goode ) 2019  1592022--50
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2008 95 2010--
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2015150  2017--
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2016160  2018--
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2017150  2019--
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2018143  2020--50
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2019150  2022--
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2021165 952024--40
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2022165  2024--40
Pinot Noir ( Redtree Winery ) 2023170  2025--
Pinot Noir ( Santa Barbara Winery ) 2013 215 2015--
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2008249  2011--60
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2013285  2015--60
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2014270  2016--60
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2015280  2016--50
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2016300  2018--
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2017366  2019--60
Pinot Noir ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2022430  2024--
Pinot Noir ( Scott Family Estate ) 2014300  2016--50
Pinot Noir ( Sketchbook Mendocino Collection ) 2006225  2009--46
Pinot Noir ( Sketchbook Mendocino Collection ) 2007175  2009--40
Pinot Noir ( Smoking Loon Wine ) 2011  1002015--40
Pinot Noir ( Smoking Loon Wine ) 2013  1102017--40
Pinot Noir ( Smoking Loon Wine ) 2014  1102017--
Pinot Noir ( Smoking Loon Wine ) 2015  1102018--
Pinot Noir ( Smoking Loon Wine ) 2016  1102019--40
Pinot Noir ( Talus Collection ) 2004 70 2006--40
Pinot Noir ( Tudor Wines ) 2006 349 2016--
Pinot Noir ( Twin Fin Wines ) 2004 80 2005--40
Pinot Noir Cuvee DD 1995 ( Kalin Cellars ) 1995  3752017--40
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2014490  2016--
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2015500  2017--
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2016500  2019--
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2017530  2019--
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2018540  2020--
Pinot Noir Duvarita Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2021680  2024--
Pinot Noir Goodchild High 9 Vineyard ( Lucas and Lewellen ) 2021  3002024--50
Pinot Noir Je Ne Sais Quoi ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2013  2502016--50
Pinot Noir Pinnacles ( Estancia ) 2002   2005--50
Pinot Noir Presqu`ile Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2014480  2016--
Pinot Noir Presqu`ile Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2015500  2017--
Pinot Noir Presqu`ile Vineyard ( Storm Wines ) 2018540  2020--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2001193  2006--0
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2005 145 200640
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2006170  2013--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2011170119 2013--40
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2013170  2017--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2014180126 2016--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2015180129 2017--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2016180  2017--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2017190129 2019--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2018180168 2020--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2019190149 2022--50
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2021200  2023--
Pinot Noir Private Selection ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2022215159 202443
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2010170  2013--40
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2011170  2013--
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2014180  2016--
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2015180  2018--
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2016190  2019--
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2017180  2020--
Pinot Noir Private Selection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2021220  2024--
Pinot Noir Ryan ( Calera Wine Company ) 2012 399 2015--
Pinot Noir Ryan ( Calera Wine Company ) 2013 457 2016--
Pinot Noir Ryan ( Calera Wine Company ) 2018 599 2022--
Pinot Noir Sandford and Benedict Vineyard ( Lutum Wines ) 2013 579 2018--
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2014390  2016--
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2016440  2018--60
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2017400  2019--60
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2018380389 2020--60
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2020380  2022--60
Pinot Noir Santa Barbara County ( Storm Wines ) 2021440  2023--
Post flirtation ( Martha Stoumen ) 2016239  2017--
Premier Old Vine Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2013230  2016--
Premier Old Vine Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2014255  2018--
Premier Old Vine Zinfandel ( Renwood ) 2018277  2022--40
Prescription Reserve Zinfandel Petit Sirah Merlot ( Fields Wine Co ) 2015 99 2017--
Prescription Reserve Zinfandel Petit Sirah Merlot ( Fields Wine Co ) 2016 79 2018--
Prescription Reserve Zinfandel Petit Sirah Merlot ( Fields Wine Co ) 2017 79 2020--
Prescription Reserve Zinfandel Petit Sirah Merlot ( Fields Wine Co ) 2018 79 2020--
Presqu`ile Syrah ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2014379  2017--
Presqu`ile Syrah ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2018449  2020--
Private Selection Meritage ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2014 125 2017--
Private Selection Meritage ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2016 125 2018--
Prohibition Bootleg Red Blend ( Urban Beverages ) 2015 89 2018--
Prohibition Cabernet Sauvignon ( Urban Beverages ) 2016 79 201830
Prohibition Zinfandel ( Prime Wine Norway ) 2015150  2017--40
Prohibition Zinfandel ( Prime Wine Norway ) 2016150  2018--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( Prime Wine Norway ) 2018165  2020--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( Prime Wine Norway ) 2019160  2021--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( Prime Wine Norway ) 2022195  2024--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2013 99 201530
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2014 99 2016--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2015 99 2017--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2016 99 201926
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2018 99 2019--
Prohibition Zinfandel ( PrimeWine Sweden AB ) 2022 99 2024--
Project Paso Old Vine Zinfandel ( Don Sebastiani and Sons ) 2010  902015--50
Project Paso Old Vine Zinfandel ( Don Sebastiani and Sons ) 2012  802016--40
Pure Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2016 395 2019--
Pure Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2019 389 2021--
Purple Paradise ( Chronic Cellars ) 2014250  2016--
Purple Paradise ( Chronic Cellars ) 2017199  2019--
Qupé Central Coast Syrah ( Qupé wines ) 2011  1982015--
Qupé Lindquist Syrah ( Qupé wines ) 2012200  2016--
R Collection by Raymond Field Blend ( Raymond Vineyards ) 2013 119 2017--
R Collection Cabernet Sauvignon ( Raymond Vineyards ) 2013   2017--
R Collection Zinfandel ( Raymond Vineyards ) 2014 129 2016--
Raschen Ridge Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2014800  2017--
Raschen Ridge Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2016800699 2019--
Raschen Ridge Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2017875739 2020--
Raschen Ridge Pinot Noir ( Hirsch Vineyards ) 2018 749 2022--
Red ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2012423  2017--
Red ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2013459  2017--
Red ( Hendry Vineyard ) 2014500  2020--
Red by Parnevik Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2015 59 2016--
Red Truck ( Red Truck Winery ) 2004 87 2006--40
Red Truck ( Red Truck Winery ) 2006129  2009--30
Red Truck ( Red Truck Winery ) 2007130  2009--
Reserve Grenache ( Castoro Cellars ) 2013 119 2015--50
Reserve Grenache ( Castoro Cellars ) 2014 129 2017--
Reserve Grenache ( Castoro Cellars ) 2015 79 2016--
Revelaré ( Cline Cellars ) 2018180  2020--50
Rhys Alpine Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Rhys Vineyards ) 2014898  2018--
Rhys Horseshoe Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Rhys Vineyards ) 2012898  2019--
Rhys Horseshoe Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Rhys Vineyards ) 2014849  2018--
Rhys Horseshoe Vineyard Syrah ( Rhys Vineyards ) 2012798  2018--
Ridge Santa Cruz Mountains Estate ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2006333  2011--
Ridge Santa Cruz Mountains Estate ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2016599  2019--
Ridge Santa Cruz Mountains Estate ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2017599  2019--
Rihannon ( Rhiannon Wines ) 2014205  2016--
Rita Hills Cuvée Pinot Noir Racines Wine ( Racines SA ) 2017 495 2020--
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2013309 1602016--50
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2014  1702018--60
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2016329  2020--
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2017349  2020--
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2018345  2020--
Riva Ranch Pinot Noir ( Wente Vineyards ) 2020349 2502023--
Rosso ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2011147  2013--
Rosso ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2013190  2016--
Rosso ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2014187  2018--
Rosso ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2015192  2018--
Rosso ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2016209  2019--
Rubicon ( Inglenook Vineyards ) 20101549  2017--60
Rubicon ( Inglenook Vineyards ) 20111000  2016--
Ruby Cabernet Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 200410057 2006--30
Ruby Zin ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2015120  2017--
Ruby Zin ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2019128  2021--
Ruby Zin ( Arcus - Norwegian distr. ) 2020130  2022--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2012482  2016--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2011399  2016--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2012449  2017--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2013449  2018--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Scherrer winery ) 2014499  2019--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Twomey Cellars ) 2014575  2016--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Twomey Cellars ) 2017619  2019--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Twomey Cellars ) 2018599  2021--
Russian River Valley Pinot Noir ( Twomey Cellars ) 2021669  2024--
Rutherford Estate Cabernet Sauvignon ( Long Meadow Ranch ) 2013 749 2018--
Saint Georges Pinot Noir ( Birichino Amici ) 2015 225 2017--
Saint Georges Pinot Noir ( Birichino Amici ) 2022 299 2024--
San Luis Obispo Pinot Noir ( Land of Saints Wine Company ) 2023320  2024--60
Sandhi Sandfrod and Benedict Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2015 479 2018--
Sanford and Benedict Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2019960  2022--60
Sanford and Benedict Vineyard Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2021749  2024--
Sangiovese ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2003   2005--40
Sangiovese ( Crane Lake Cellars ) 2006 60 2009--50
Sans Soufre ( Kutch Winery ) 2016399  2017--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2008 249 2010--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2011 189 2014--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2013 199 2015--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2014252199 20164060
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2015289229 2016--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2016299299 2017--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2017310299 2019--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2018320229 2020--50
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2019320229 2021--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2020335239 2022--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2021 275 2023--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2022375289 2024--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Au Bon Climat ) 2023383  2024--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2012279290 2014--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2013299  2015--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014349399 2017--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2015339299 2018--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2016 299 2019--50
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2017370298 2019--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2018 299 2020--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2020460  2024--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2022 359 2024--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2013242  2015--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2014270  2016--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2015280  2017--
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2016290  2018--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2017310  2018--40
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2018320  2019--60
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2019317  2021--50
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2020320  2022--50
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2021325 2202022--40
Santa Barbara County Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2022360  2024--60
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2013180  20164350
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2014180  2017--
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2016180  2018--
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2017180  20194650
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2018190  2020--
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2021210  2024--
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Byron Winery ) 2012288179 2014--
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2020 219 2022--50
Santa Barbara Pinot Noir ( Francis Ford Coppola Winery ) 2021 239 2024--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2003   2005--50
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2006 259 2010--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2007 259 2011--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014329369 2016--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2015 299 2018--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2017 299 2019--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2018 299 2021--
Santa Barbara Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2022 399 2024--
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2003 299 2007--60
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2004 299 2007--50
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2005 349 2008--
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Merlot ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2007 295 2010--50
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1997210  2005--50
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 1998210  2005--60
Santa Cruz Mountains Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ridge Vineyards ) 2002 269 2006--50
Santa Maria Valley Pinot Noir ( Byron Winery ) 2012358  2016--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2013260  2017--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2014260  2018--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Babcock Vineyards ) 2016 299 2019--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2008 329 2010--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2012 339 2014--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2013300389 2015--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2014 399 2016--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2015 429 2019--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2021 469 2023--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2017300  2019--60
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2018320  2020--50
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2019330  2020--50
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2020350  2022--60
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2021390  2023--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Chanin Wine ) 2022400  2024--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Lompoc Wine Company ) 2014250239 2016--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2013400  2017--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2020 299 2022--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Tyler Winery ) 2022 349 2024--
Santa Rita Hills Pinot Noir Machado ( Brewer-Clifton ) 2014 949 2018--
Savoy Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2014549  2018--
Savoy Pinot Noir ( Radio-Coteau ) 2016598  2020--
Scatena Brothers Zinfandel by Seghesio ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2018 189 2020--50
Scylla ( Birichino ) 2017 199 2019--
Scylla ( Birichino ) 2019 199 2022--
Scylla ( Birichino ) 2023 289 2024--
Seal Cabernet Zinfandel ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 200684  2008--10
Sebastiani Zinfandel ( Sebastiani ) 2009 175 201343
Sebastiano Grenache ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014 369 2016--
Secret Agent ( Alias Wines ) 2014  692017--40
Shannon Ridge High Elevation Collection CS ( Shannon Family Wines ) 2022 169 2024--50
Shebang! Carignan ( Bedrock Wine Co ) 2014235  2015--60
Shiraz ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2003100  2005--60
shiraz ( Rock Rabbit Winery ) 2006 99 2008--50
Shiraz ( Talus Collection ) 2003   2005--50
Shiraz - Carignan ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2004145  2006--40
Shiraz-Carignane-Sangiovese ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2002120  2004--40
Signal Ridge Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2016498  2018--
Sivas-Sonoma Pinot Noir ( Don Sebastiani and Sons ) 2015 189 2017--
Sofa King Bueno ( Chronic Cellars ) 2014270  2016--
Solomon Hills Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2012429  2017--
Solomon Hills Pinot Noir ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2013 449 2015--
Some Cab Cabernet Sauvignon ( Redwood Valley Cellars ) 2009 95 2011--
Sonoma Coast Gamay ( Pax Mahle Wines ) 2017315  2019--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014399  2016--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2015399  2017--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016398  2018--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2017398  2019--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2022499  2025--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Failla Wines ) 2015 349 2017--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Kistler Vineyards ) 2012539  2015--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2012362  2016--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( La Crema ) 2014   2017--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2013599799 2017--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2014599  2017--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2015599  2018--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2016599  2018--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2017629  2019--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Patz and Hall ) 2014 499 2018--
Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir ( Patz and Hall ) 2016 499 2019--
Sonoma Coast Sans Soufre Pinot Noir ( Kutch Winery ) 2017399  2018--13
Sonoma Coast Syrah ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2014349  2017--
Sonoma Coast Syrah ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2016349  2019--
Sonoma Coast Syrah ( Anthill Farms Winery ) 2017359  2020--
Sonoma Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2013 149 2016--
Sonoma Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2014 189 2017--
Sonoma Pinot Noir ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2016 149 2018--
Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2013300  2017--60
Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2015300  2019--
Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon ( Schug Carneros Estate ) 2016356  2019--
South Ridge Paso Robles Syrah ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2014170  2016--60
South Ridge Syrah ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2017 170 2020--50
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2012  1002015--50
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2013  1202016--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2014  1302017--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2015215 1302017--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2016215  2019--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2017229 1302019--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2018225 1402020--
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2019229 1602023--40
Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon ( Wente Vineyards ) 2020229 1602023--
Spring Mountain Cabernet Sauvignon ( Lokoya Winery ) 20113180  2016--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2014 69 2016--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2015 74 2017--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2017 75 2018--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2018 75 2019--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2019 75 2021--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2020 79 2022--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2021 79 2023--
Spring Village ( Spendrups ) 2022 85 2024--
St. Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Black Sheep Finds ) 2013329  2017--
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2016300  2019--60
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2017370325 2019--
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2018370 2392020--50
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2019 325 2021--
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2020380  2021--
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2021 429 2024--
Sta Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Sandhi Wines ) 2022540499 2024--
Sta Rita Hills Syrah ( Piedrasassi ) 2017 649 2024--60
Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2013400  2016--
Sta. Rita Hills Pinot Noir ( Domaine de la Côte ) 2014 378 2017--
Stainless Pinot Noir ( Chamisal Vineyards ) 2013280  2016--
Stainless Pinot Noir ( Chamisal Vineyards ) 2014  2252016--40
Station Pinot Noir ( Parker Winery ) 2005 126 2006--40
Station Pinot Noir ( Parker Winery ) 2012  2552016--20
Station Pinot Noir ( Parker Winery ) 2013   2015--40
Station Pinot Noir ( Parker Winery ) 2016  1002018--
Stokes Ghost Petite Sirah ( Scheid Vineyards ) 2015 249 2020--
Stolpman Estate Grown Syrah ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2014370  2017--
Stolpman Estate Grown Syrah ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2015370  2018--
Stolpman Estate Grown Syrah ( Stolpman Vineyards ) 2017400  2019--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 200099  2003--40
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2004100  2006--50
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 200510069 2006--50
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2006 71 2008--40
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2013125  2016--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2015125  2017--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2016130  2018--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2017133  2019--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2018133  2020--
Stone Cellars Zinfandel ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2019133  2021--
Stone Valley Shiraz ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2012 69 2015--
Stone Valley Shiraz ( Goldstone Land Company ) 2013 49 2015--
Stonehedge Reserve Red Blend ( Stonehedge Winery ) 2007189  2009--30
Sun Gate Zinfandel ( Les Grands Chais de France ) 2017 69 2019--
Sun Gate Zinfandel ( Les Grands Chais de France ) 2018 69 2019--
Sun Gate Zinfandel ( Les Grands Chais de France ) 2019 74 2021--
SWK Vineyards Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2013849  2017--
SWK Vineyards Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2014849  2017--
SWK Vineyards Pinot Noir ( Occidental ) 2015849  2018--
Syrah ( Arnot Roberts ) 2016 431 2018--
Syrah ( Benziger Family Winery ) 2000   2005--50
Syrah ( Bridlewood Winery ) 2004 90 2007--40
Syrah ( Bridlewood Winery ) 2006 99 2010--
Syrah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2003 82 2007--50
Syrah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2005 84 2008--40
Syrah ( Concannon Vineyard ) 2006 84 2008--40
Syrah ( Firestone Vineyard ) 2002   2005--30
Syrah ( Firestone Vineyard ) 2013   2017--
Syrah ( Lillian winery ) 2013695  2017--
Syrah ( Lillian winery ) 2014695  2018--
Syrah ( Lillian winery ) 2015695  2020--
Syrah ( Lillian winery ) 2017695  2020--
Syrah ( Lucas and Lewellen ) 2007 99 2010--
Syrah ( Monterey Vineyard ) 200792  2009--60
Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2015329  2018--
Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2016349  2019--
Syrah ( Sea Ridge Coastal Winery ) 2005 59 2007--40
Syrah ( Truchard Vineyards ) 2006116  2009--53
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2002   2005--50
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2003 155 2006--50
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2005199  2009--
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2006200159 2010--
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2007200  2010--60
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2008190  2011--60
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2010 195 2013--
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2011315  2017--
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2012299161 2015--
Syrah Le Pousseur ( Bonny Doon ) 2013 176 2016--
Syrah Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2000165  2006--30
Syrah Slide Hill ( Storm Wines ) 2014420  2016--
Syrah Slide Hill ( Storm Wines ) 2016450  2019--
Teldeschi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2004290  2006--60
Teldeschi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2005320  2009--
Teldeschi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2006 399 2010--
Teldeschi Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2012380 2252015--
Tempranillo ( AmByth Estate ) 2012459  2017--
Terra Neuma Pinot ( Radio-Coteau ) 2014549  2017--
Terraces Pinot Noir ( Melville Winery ) 2014 659 2016--
The Big Easy ( Parker Winery ) 2012  2752015--50
The Butler ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2007350  2016--
The Butler ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2013350  2017--
The Butler ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2016350  2021--
The City Runner Cabernet Sauvignon ( Oenoforos ) 201515579 2017--
The City Runner Cabernet Sauvignon ( Oenoforos ) 201615579 2017--
The Econic ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2015  1462017--40
The Econic ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2016  1462019--40
The Econic ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2017  1502020--
The Legendary Badge Petite Sirah ( Buena Vista Winery ) 2016 109 2017--
The McNab ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2007350300 2015--60
The McNab ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2009 299 2017--
The McNab ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2013350  2017--
The McNab ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2016350  2021--
The other Guys Petite Syrah ( Pennywise Winery ) 2013   2016--
The Prospector Mourvedre ( Donkey and Goat Winery ) 2013269  2016--
The Puzzle ( Newton Vineyard ) 2014610  2016--
The Slammer Syrah ( Big House Wine Company ) 2005 100 2007--50
The Slammer Syrah ( Big House Wine Company ) 2006111  2009--60
The Slammer Syrah ( Big House Wine Company ) 2007120  2010--
The Smile Vintage Zinfandel ( Lamborn Family Vineyards ) 2013 499 2018--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2011 79 201330
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2013 79 2016--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2014 82 2016--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2015 85 2017--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2016 85 2018--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2017 89 2019--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2018 89 2020--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2019 89 2021--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2020 91 2022--
The Ultimate Zin Zinfandel ( Future Wines ) 2022 99 2024--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 2013 99552016--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 2014160  2016--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 2015 79 2016--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 2016160  2018--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 201716879 2018--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 201817279 2019--
Think Big! Zinfandel ( Taster Wine ) 2022 99 2024--
Thornhill French Camp red blend ( Miller Family Wine Company ) 2019199  2020--50
Thornhill Pinot Noir ( California House ) 2017190  2019--40
Three Finger Jack Old Vine Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2019200  2022--
Three Finger Jack Old Vine Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2020200 1802024--40
Three Palms Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2013 669 2018--
Three Palms Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2015 679 2019--
Three Palms Merlot ( Duckhorn Vineyards ) 2016  4592021--50
Three Vines ( Windsor Wineyards ) 2007 99 2009--30
Tom Legend Signature Organic ( Big House Wine Company ) 2015 59 2016--
Tous Ensemble Syrah ( Copain Wines ) 2012199  2016--
Tous Ensemble Syrah ( Copain Wines ) 2013 240 2016--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2011 169 2013--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2014 219 2015--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2015 219 2017--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2016 179 2018--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2017 199 2019--
Tous Les Jours Syrah ( Andrew Murray Vineyards ) 2020 219 2022--
Tower Road Petie Syrah ( Paso Robles ) 2013   2017--
Truchard Pinot Noir ( Truchard Vineyards ) 2018244 1502021--50
Unfiltered Merlot ( Newton Vineyard ) 2012550  2016--
Upstram ( Watts Winery ) 2012  992016--
Valdiguie Lolonis Redwood Valley ( Lioco Wine ) 2015379  2017--60
Valley Oaks Merlot ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2005 89 2007--50
Valley Oaks Merlot ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2013 79 2016--
Valley Oaks Merlot ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2015 79 2017--
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 1995121  199826
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 1997126  200036
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2000130  2004--40
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2001130  2004--50
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 200213599 2006--40
Valley Oaks Carbernet ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2006130  2009--60
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 1995118  199843
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 1996118  200040
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2001120  20042650
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2003125  2006--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2005125  2007--50
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2007129  2009--40
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2009130  2011--40
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2010130  2012--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2011120  2016--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2012135  2015--50
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2013125 792015--20
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2014125  2016--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2015125 792017--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2016125 792018--30
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2017125  2019--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2018127 792019--40
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2019125  2020--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2020126  2022--
Valley Oaks Zinfandel ( Fetzer Vineyards ) 2021150  2024--
Venturi Vineyard Carignan ( Martha Stoumen ) 2015299  2017--
Venustas ( AmByth Estate ) 2011299  2016--
Vernas Vineyard Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2003 299 2007--50
Vernas Vineyard Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2004 299 2008--60
Vine Starr Zinfandel ( Broc Cellars ) 2015329  2017--
Vine Starr Zinfandel ( Broc Cellars ) 2016335  2018--
Vine Starr Zinfandel ( Broc Cellars ) 2017365  2019--
Vine Starr Zinfandel ( Broc Cellars ) 2018365  2020--
Vine Valdiguié ( Broc Cellars ) 2015285  2017--60
Vintage Reserve ( Firestone Vineyard ) 2004 293 2008--40
Vintners Blend Cabernet Sauvignon ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2013  592017--
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2001159  2004--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2002149  2005--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2003130119 20063350
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2004130116 2006--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 200512099 2007--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 200613099 2009--40
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2007135 852009--60
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2008135  2010--43
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2010130  2012--
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2011130  2013--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2012130101 2015--
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2013160105592015--30
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2014 109 2016--
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2015170119 2017--40
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2016175135 2019--50
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2017180139 2020--
Vintners Blend Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2018 139 2022--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2007199  2010--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2010200  2013--40
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2013260199 2016--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2014290249 2016--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2015 249 2018--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2016 249 2018--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2017290249 2019--
Vintners Reserve Pinot Noir ( Kendall Jackson ) 2018290  2022--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2012 200 2016--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2013 239 2017--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2014 239 2019--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2016 239 2019--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2017 249 2019--
Vintner`s Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kendall Jackson ) 2021 399 2024--
Vintner`s Reserve Zinfandel ( Kendall Jackson ) 2013 209 2016--
Vintner`s Reserve Zinfandel ( Kendall Jackson ) 2014 209 2017--
Vintner`s Reserve Zinfandel ( Kendall Jackson ) 2016 209 2019--
Vintner`s Reserve Zinfandel ( Kendall Jackson ) 2021 319 2024--
Vivier Sonoma Coast Pinot ( Stéphane Vivier ) 2015380  2018--
Vivier Sonoma Coast Pinot ( Stéphane Vivier ) 2016410  2019--50
Vivier Sonoma Coast Pinot ( Stéphane Vivier ) 2017420  2020--
Vivier Sonoma Coast Pinot ( Stéphane Vivier ) 2019520  2024--
Vivier Sun Chase Sonoma Coast Pinot ( Stéphane Vivier ) 2014530  2018--
Wendling Littorai Pinot Noir ( Littorai ) 2015660  2018--
Wendling Pinot Noir ( Copain Wines ) 2013599  2016--
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2012  1002015--50
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2013  1102017--30
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2014 128 2016--
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2015  1302018--50
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2016  1402020--
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2017  1302020--40
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2020  1602023--50
Wente Zinfandel Beyer Ranch ( Wente Vineyards ) 2021  1602023--50
Wentzel ( Copain Wines ) 2011449  2015--60
White Hawk Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2010 359 2014--
White Hawk Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2012 399 2015--
White Hawk Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2013 400 2016--
White Hawk Syrah ( Ojai Vineyard ) 2014 399 2017--
Wildflower Monterey Valdiguié ( J. Lohr Winery ) 2017130  2019--60
Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2014 97 2016--
Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2016 97 2019--
Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2017 97 2020--
Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2018 129 2023--
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 1998126  200233
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2001100  2004--30
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2003   2005--33
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 200410979 2006--40
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 200511079 2007--40
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 200611579 2008--30
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 200711785 2009--40
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2009 85 2011--
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2010  452016--30
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2011125  2013--40
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2012125  2013--
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 201312999 2015--50
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 2014160  2016--40
Woodbridge Zinfandel ( Robert Mondavi Winery ) 201716086 2020--
Yoga ( Bear Creek Winery ) 2018 79 2019--
Yoga ( Bear Creek Winery ) 2019 79 2021--
Yoga ( Bear Creek Winery ) 2020 79 2022--
Yoga ( Bear Creek Winery ) 2022 94 2024--
Yulupa Cabernet Sauvignon ( Kenwood Vineyards ) 2005 89 2008--
Zig Zag Zin ( Mendocino Wine Company ) 2010110  20133650
Zinfandel ( Barefoot Wine ) 2014 89 2016--
Zinfandel ( Barefoot Wine ) 2021 89 2023--
Zinfandel ( Bliss Vineyards ) 2005 87 2007--40
Zinfandel ( Bliss Vineyards ) 2006 86 2009--50
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2003   2005--40
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2005 89 2008--50
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2007 89992009--50
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2012 89992013--
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2014 99 2016--
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2015 99 2017--
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2016 109 2018--50
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2017 109 2019--
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2018 109 2020--
Zinfandel ( Cline Cellars ) 2020 139 2024--
Zinfandel ( Conn Creek Winery ) 2012  1902015--60
Zinfandel ( Corbett Canyon Vineyards ) 200084  2004--10
Zinfandel ( Dark Horse ) 2015 89502018--40
Zinfandel ( Dark Horse ) 2016 99 2018--
Zinfandel ( Dark Horse ) 2017 99 2019--
Zinfandel ( Dark Horse ) 2021 108 2024--
Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2003100  2004--50
Zinfandel ( Delicato Family Vineyards ) 2014  852017--
Zinfandel ( DeLoach Vineyards ) 2014160 902017--
Zinfandel ( DeLoach Vineyards ) 2016140 902018--50
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2009200  20134060
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2012230 1292015--50
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2013  1892017--50
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2014275 1892018--40
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2016  1292019--50
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2017260 1392020--50
Zinfandel ( Edmeades Winery ) 2021290  2024--
Zinfandel ( Folie à Deux ) 2012  1992016--40
Zinfandel ( Folie à Deux ) 2013  1802016--40
Zinfandel ( Folie à Deux ) 2015  1802018--50
Zinfandel ( Frog`s Leap ) 2013 279 2017--
Zinfandel ( Frog`s Leap ) 2017 299 2020--60
Zinfandel ( Frog`s Leap ) 2020  3292024--50
Zinfandel ( Frog`s Leap ) 2021 419 2024--
Zinfandel ( Kenwood Vineyards ) 2013200  2017--
Zinfandel ( Kenwood Vineyards ) 2015220  2019--
Zinfandel ( Kenwood Vineyards ) 2018220  2021--
Zinfandel ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2013200139 2016--
Zinfandel ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2015200139 2016--
Zinfandel ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2016215139 2018--
Zinfandel ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2017 149 2019--
Zinfandel ( McManis Family Vineyards ) 2021 169 2024--
Zinfandel ( Morgan Bay Cellars ) 2013230  2016--
Zinfandel ( Morgan Bay Cellars ) 2014  992017--50
Zinfandel ( Morgan Bay Cellars ) 2021  1502023--40
Zinfandel ( Paso Creek ) 2013 189 2016--
Zinfandel ( Paul Dolan Vineyards ) 2013246  2016--
Zinfandel ( Perry Creek Winery ) 2010  1492016--
Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2011115  2013--60
Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2012130 802016--
Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2013  802016--
Zinfandel ( Ravenswood Winery ) 2014  792017--40
Zinfandel ( Red Truck Winery ) 2006149  2009--40
Zinfandel ( Red Truck Winery ) 2007150  2009--
Zinfandel ( Sunset Canyon ) 2003   2005--30
Zinfandel ( Talus Collection ) 1999   200230
Zinfandel ( Zabaco Vintners ) 2002190149 2005--60
Zinfandel Barbera ( Garnet Point ) 2000   200236
Zinfandel Blush ( Beringer Vineyards ) 2006100  2008--40
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2000169  200333
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2001165  2006--40
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2004170125 2006--50
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2005180125 2007--50
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2006180125 2008--50
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2007180139 20103640
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2009200139 20114040
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2010200139 20124030
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 20121801397020154360
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2013180139 2016--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2014180139 2017--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2015180139752017--40
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2016180139 2017--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2017180139 2019--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2018185 1502020--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2019190190 2021--
Zinfandel Organically Grown ( Bonterra Vineyards ) 2022 149 2024--
Zinfandel Premium Reserve ( Bellflower ) 2016 119 2018--
Zinfandel Premium Reserve ( Bellflower ) 2017 125 2018--
Zinfandel Premium Reserve ( Bellflower ) 2018 129 2019--
Zinfandel Reserve ( Sutter Home Winery ) 2002   2005--40
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2002   2005--40
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2003 65 2005--40
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2005 64 2007--40
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2006 65 2009--30
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2008 69 2010--
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2009 69 2011--
Zinfandel Sierra Valley ( E. and J. Gallo Winery ) 2016  802018--40
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2005177  2007--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2006179169 2008--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2007180165 2008--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2008225179 20114060
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2009230179 2011--
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2010230179 20124060
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2011244185 20144346
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2012250199 2015--43
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2013260199 2015--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 201426020919920184653
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 20152602091492017--30
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2016270215 2018--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2017300223 2019--
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2018300223 2020--60
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2019300223 2021--
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2020 225 2022--
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 20213152492292023--50
Zinfandel Sonoma ( Seghesio Family Vineyards ) 2022330  2024--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2013140  2016--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2015 65 2018--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2016 69 2018--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2017 79 2019--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2018 79 2020--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2019 79 2021--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2020 79 2022--
Zupreme Zinfandel ( ZGM - Zimmermann-Graeff and Müller ) 2021 79 2023--

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